Assessment Enquiry Process
APM operate an enquiries process for those who wish to enquire their assessment experience. The process by which candidates may enquire their assessment experience can be on the grounds of procedural error. It ensures a fair and transparent process for considering enquires, while maintaining the integrity of academic judgments made by our qualified markers and assessors.
APM define the following:
Procedural Error:
- A failure to follow established processes or guidelines during the assessment process, which could have affected the outcome of the candidate's assessment. Eg. the candidate believes that there was a deviation from the approved assessment procedures or administrative errors.
Academic Judgment:
- The expert evaluation by subject matter experts of the quality of a candidate's responses.
Enquiries based solely on disagreement with the marker's/assessor's judgment regarding the quality of the work will not be considered.
You have a right to submit an enquiry without fear of reprisal or victimisation and should expect APM to deal with this seriously, impartially and in confidence.
An enquiry must be received no later than 30 days after the dispatch of your results.
Submission of enquiry:
The candidate must submit a written enquiry via the form below no later than 30 days after the dispatch of results. The enquiry must include:
- A detailed explanation of the alleged procedural error.
- Any supporting documentation (e.g. email correspondence, reasonable adjustment documentation).
- The required fee of £75 plus VAT which is refundable if the appeal is upheld. (Once your request has been received, we'll contact you to confirm receipt and take the relevant payment within 2 working days).
APM will review the enquiry to determine if there is a case of procedural error. This review will occur within 10 working days of receiving the enquiry and associated payment. If it is clear the matter will require a further detailed investigation, we’ll keep you informed of the investigation process and progress at regular intervals.
After the investigation, the candidate will be notified in writing of the outcome, this will be one of the following:
- Enquiry Upheld: If a procedural error is found, APM will apply the most appropriate course of action that is appropriate in the context of the enquiry. APM will endeavour to explain the process they have gone through and the outcome.
- Enquiry Denied: If no procedural error is found, no further action to be taken. The decision is final.
Please note:
- APM reserves the right to advise on an alternative route to enquiry or reject a request depending on the information submitted.
- By attending the assessment, candidates have confirmed they are fit to do so; no enquiries will be heard concerning a candidate’s wellbeing during the assessment as this should have been addressed at the time to either your accredited training provider or APM directly.
- It’s not possible to provide an uplift in scores or dispensation as a result of any issues encountered.
- We’re unable to provide further feedback or share candidate answers. (Qualifications only).
- Candidate’s scores are released per learning outcome or associated competence, and this is the only level of feedback that’s provided. Qualitative feedback is not provided. (Qualifications only).
- An enquiry cannot be submitted based on technical difficulties or issues as these should be notified at the time of sitting the examination. (Qualifications only).
- If a procedural error occurred during an interview assessment, the candidate is to contact APM within 48 hours of the assessment taking place ahead of their results being released.
- APM will not support a complaint based upon academic judgement.
- Enquiries can be submitted relating to the grounds stated above in relation to APM qualifications, standards, membership, accreditation and recognised assessment.
- We’ll always aim to deal with enquiries quickly and within the specified timescales. However, if it’s clear the matter will require a further detailed investigation, we’ll keep you informed of the investigation process and progress at regular intervals.
How to make an enquiry/appeal regarding your assessment
Please complete the online form below to log an enquiry regarding your assessment.
Once your request has been received, we'll contact you to confirm receipt and take the relevant payment. An enquiry must be received no later than 30 days after the dispatch of your results.
Personal details or details of any enquiry will not be divulged to third parties outside the scope of investigating your enquiry unless we have your written consent.